South Australia
Local Government ACT 1999 ~ Chapter 2

6 Principal role of a council

A council is, under the system of local government established by this Act, established to provide for the government and management of its area at the local level and, in particular
(a) to act as a representative, informed and responsible decision-maker in the interests of its community; and
(b) to provide and co-ordinate various public services and facilities and to develop its community and resources in a socially just and ecologically sustainable manner; and
(c) to encourage and develop initiatives within its community for improving the quality of life of the community; and
(d) to represent the interests of its community to the wider community; and
(e) to exercise, perform and discharge the powers, functions and duties of local government under this and other Acts in relation to the area for which it is constituted.

7 Functions of a council
The functions of a council include
(a) to plan at the local and regional level for the development and future requirements of its area;
(b) to provide services and facilities that benefit its area, its ratepayers and residents, and visitors to its area (including general public services or facilities (including electricity, gas and water services, and waste collection, control or disposal services or facilities), health, welfare or community services or facilities, and cultural or recreational services or facilities);
(c) to provide for the welfare, well-being and interests of individuals and groups within its community;
(d) to take measures to protect its area from natural and other hazards and to mitigate the effects of such hazards;
(e) to manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment in an ecologically sustainable manner, and to improve amenity;
(f) to provide infrastructure for its community and for development within its area (including infrastructure that helps to protect any part of the local or broader community from any hazard or other event, or that assists in the management of any area);
(g) to promote its area and to provide an attractive climate and locations for the development of business, commerce, industry and tourism;
(h) to establish or support organisations or programs that benefit people in its area or local government generally;
(i) to manage and, if appropriate, develop, public areas vested in, or occupied by, the council;
(j) to manage, improve and develop resources available to the council;
(k) to undertake other functions and activities conferred by or under an Act.

8 Principles to be observed by a council
A council must act to uphold and promote observance of the following principles in the performance of its roles and functions
(a) provide open, responsive and accountable government;
(b) be responsive to the needs, interests and aspirations of individuals and groups within its community;
(c) participate with other councils, and with State and national governments, in setting public policy and achieving regional, State and national objectives;
(d) give due weight, in all its plans, policies and activities, to regional, State and national objectives and strategies concerning the economic, social, physical and environmental development and management of the community;
(e) seek to co-ordinate with State and national government in the planning and delivery of services in which those governments have an interest;
(f) seek to facilitate sustainable development and the protection of the environment and to ensure a proper balance within its community between economic, social, environmental and cultural considerations;
(g) manage its operations and affairs in a manner that emphasises the importance of service to the community;
(h) seek to ensure that council resources are used fairly, effectively and efficiently;
(i) seek to provide services, facilities and programs that are adequate and appropriate and seek to ensure equitable access to its services, facilities and programs;
(j) achieve and maintain standards of good public administration;
(k) ensure the sustainability of the council's long‑term financial performance and position.

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